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An important part of the IFPHK’s work is to influence government policy to promote the interests of our members through the development of formal submissions to government and regulators. The IFPHK gathers member’s views and concerns through weekly alerts and interviews. Practical cases provided by members give our submissions credibility and substance.

The role of the IFPHK on Advocacy is outlined below.

  • Responsible for oversight of all regulatory, government and public policy issues relating to financial planning.
  • Dealing with regulators, government officials and external stakeholders to ensure the IFPHK’s voice is heard on financial planning related matters, and that the IFPHK’s standards for financial planning are incorporated into legislation, regulation and rules, where appropriate.
  • Prepares submissions to government and regulators, and provides lobbying support on matters likely to impact members and their clients.
The IFPHK also updates financial planning professionals on legislative developments via its weekly alerts and information web pages, as well as responding to specific member queries. We attend industry forums where we raise awareness of our issues among other financial services participants, and gain an appreciation of the matters impacting the broader financial services industry.

If you are interested to learn more about IFPHK’s involvement in responding to legislative and regulatory issues affecting the financial planning profession, you may refer to the table below:

Consultation Issue


Submission Period

Consultation Paper on Enhancement to the Deposit Protection Scheme in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Deposit Protection Board October 2023

Consultation Paper on the Proposed Regulatory Requirements for Virtual Asset Trading Platform Operators Licensed by the Securities and Futures Commission

Securities and Futures Commission March 2023

Consultation Paper on Proposed Amendments to Enforcement-related Provisions of the Securities and Futures Ordinance

Securities and Futures Commission August 2022

Discussion Paper on Crypto-assets and Stablecoins

Hong Kong Monetary Authority March 2022

Consultation Paper on Proposed Enhancements to the Competency Framework for Intermediaries and Individual Practitioners

Securities and Futures Commission February 2021

Consultation Paper on the Eligibility of Weighted Voting Right Companies and Secondary-listed Companies for Inclusion in the Hang Send Index

Hang Seng Indexes Company Limited March 2020

Consultation Paper on the Task Force on Review of School Curriculum

Education Development Bureau October 2019

Consultation Paper on the Draft Code of Conduct for Licensed Insurance Agents

Insurance Authority May 2019

Consultation Paper on Draft Code of Conduct for Licensed Insurance Brokers

Insurance Authority May 2019

Consultation Paper on Draft Insurance (Financial and Other Requirements for Licensed Insurance Broker Companies) Rules

Insurance Authority January 2019

Consultation Paper on Draft Guidelines on Exercising Power to Impose Pecuniary Penalty in Respect of Regulated Persons Under the Insurance Ordinance (Cap.41)

Insurance Authority January 2019

Consultation Paper on Draft Insurance (Maximum Number of Authorized Insurers) Rules

Insurance Authority December 2018

Consultation Paper on proposed guidelines on (i) “Fit and Proper” criteria and (ii) Continuing Professional Development requirements for licensed insurance intermediaries

Insurance Authority November 2018

Consultation Paper on Proposed Enhancements to the Investor Compensation Regime and Related Legislative Amendments

Securities and Futures Commission June 2018

Further Consultation on Offline Requirements Applicable to Complex Products

Securities and Futures Commission May 2018

Consultation Paper on a Listing Regime for Companies From Emerging and Innovative Sectors

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited March 2018

Further Consultation on Proposed Disclosure Requirements Applicable to Discretionary Accounts

Securities and Futures Commission January 2018

Consultation Paper on Online Distribution and Advisory Platforms

Securities and Futures Commission August 2017

Consultation Paper on the Proposed Amendments to the Securities and Futures (Professional Investor) Rules

Securities and Futures Commission March 2017

Consultation Paper on Proposals to Enhance Asset Management Regulation and Point-of-sale Transparency

Securities and Futures Commission February 2017

Consultation Paper of the Proposals to Enhance the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme by the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre

Financial Dispute Resolution Centre December 2016

Join Consultation Paper on Proposed Enhancements to The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited’s Decision-making and Governance Structure for Listing Regulation Issued by the Securities and Futures Commission and the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

Securities and Futures Commission September 2016

Consultation Document on Retirement Protection

Commission on Poverty June 2016

Consultation Document on Reporting System on Cross-boundary Transportation of Large Quantities of Currency and Bearer Negotiable Instruments

Security Bureau October 2015

Consultation Document on Hong Kong Strategy for Financial Literacy

Investor Education Centre October 2015

Consultation Document on Hong Kong’s Financial Competency Framework

Investor Education Centre September 2015

Consultation Document on the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme

Food and Health Bureau April 2015

Further Consultation on the Client Agreement Requirements

Securities and Futures Commission December 2014

Consultation Document on enhancements to the Deposit Protection Scheme

Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau &
and Hong Kong Monetary Authority
December 2014

Consultation Document on Providing Better Investment Solutions for MPF Members

Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau &
Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme Authority
September 2014
Consultation Document on an Effective Resolution Regime for Financial Institutions in Hong Kong Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau April 2014
Consultation Paper on Specification of Competency Standards for the Insurance Industry Insurance Industry Training Advisory Committee January 2014
Consultation Paper on the Proposed Amendments to the Professional Investor Regime and the Client Agreement Requirements Securities and Futures Commission August 2013
Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau Consultation Paper on Key Legislative Proposals on Establishment of an Independent Insurance Authority ("IIA") Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau January 2013
Mandatory Provident Fund Authority’s Consultation on Guidelines on Conduct Requirements for Registered Intermediaries Mandatory Provident Fund Authority July 2012
Mandatory Provident Fund Authority’s Consultation Document on Withdrawal of MPF Benefits Mandatory Provident Fund Authority March 2012
Securities and Futures Commission’s Consultation Document on the Proposals to amend the Code of Conduct in relation to the establishment of the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre and the enhancement of the regulatory framework Securities and Futures Commission January 2012

Proposed Guideline on Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing and (2) the Proposed Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Guideline Issued by the Securities and Futures Commission for Associated Entities

Securities and Futures Commission

November 2011

Securities and Futures (Amendment) Bill 2011 - Establishment of an Investor Education Council

Bills Committee on Securities and Futures

October 2011

Proposed Establishment of a Policyholder’s Protection Fund

Financial Services and Treasury Bureau

June 2011

“My Health, My Choice” Healthcare Reform Second Stage Consultation Document

Food and Health Bureau

January 2011

Evidential Requirements under the Securities and Futures (Professional Investor) Rule

Securities and Futures Commission

November 2010

Proposed Establishment of an Independent Insurance Authority

Financial Services and Treasury Bureau

September 2010

Proposed Establishment of an Investor Education Council and a Financial Dispute Resolution Centre

Financial Services and Treasury Bureau

May 2010

Proposal to Enhance Protection of the Investing Public

Securities and Futures Commission

December 2009

Conceptual Framework of the Legislative Proposal to Enhance the Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Regulatory Regime in respect of the Financial Sectors

Financial Services and Treasury Bureau

August 2009